Our second sailing adventure but this is the real adventure, the one we expected when arriving in Grenada 4 months ago.
Captain: Brett Uys
Country: South Africa
Vessel: Catamaran
Model: Jaguar
Name: MoonJoos
We departed Hog Island at around 14h00 and off to St Georges where we will lay anchor and zip to the mainland to do some shopping at Foodland, check for parcels from home, collect a part for the boat and back to MoonJoos.
Our parcels have arrived! Wooohhoooo! One from my Mom and Christine and the other from our friend Madeleine. Rooibos tea, slabs of chocolates, nik naks, marshmallows and tampons! Yay for me :-)
Shopping done, back on MoonJoos, anchor up and just around to the next bay, Moullinare Bay. No other yachts around. Its quiet. This is where the underwater sculptures are.
Ploop! Baz is in the water for a quick look see and to check the anchor. Twilight is not the time to be in the water so it was quick.
Dinner: Curry and flat bread with sticky rice.
Dessert: A cup of Five Roses tea
The night sky is magical! The last crescent of the moon with a bright star below. What a sight!
Tuesday - 10 September
A full nights sleep was had by all. There is nothing more peaceful than the rocking motion and the sound of the waves breaking on the point.
Up at 06h00, the sky is blue and the water crystal clear. Fishermen scattered along the rocks waiting on their catch of the day.
07h00 and we are in the water and snorkeling. What a sight, there they were, some of the sculptures. A mermaid, a man at a desk, a ring of people holding hands, a treasure chest. The water was aquamarine... The color of mermaids.
Anchor up! Destination - Union Island. 6 hours of sailing! The views are spectacular. Houses tucked into the mountain side, clouds hanging low. A breeze to cool the hot sun, real awesome rock music playing loud! Reliving time in my life of 38 years.
Sailing the Caribbean, I wish you were here. What a way to live life! Even if its just for 12 months.
It's my turn to sit at the helm, my watch. Got to make sure we don't mow down a local fishing boat.
The flying fish are too cool! 4, 5, 6 of them launch at once and fly across the surface of the water for meter and meters. They look like birds!
Sailing over the famous, still active volcano, 'Kick em Jenny'. The average depth is 1,2km, the water is rough, dark and pretty creepy.
Joshua has had his first pang of sea sickness, a tummy ache and sleepy. Time for a snooze.
We arrived at Union Island at 15h00. The air temperature was at least 32 degrees... Hotter than the hottest HOT! Dingy lowered and the Captain is off to Immigration to check us and MoonJoos into French waters. Cost: 30ECD per person and entry for 30 days.
Time to explore Union, find an ATM, shop and a bar! A cold beer and a huge block of ice for the next leg of our trip.
Dinner: spagetti bolognaise
Dessert: RUM
Wednesday - 11 September
Up at 06h00, coffee, breakfast, anchor up and sailing at 07h00.
Destination: Tobago Cays and St Vincent
It's a beautiful day, we are off to take a sneak peak at the Tobago Cays. This is where they filmed the Pirates of the Caribbean. The water is amazing! The islands are a sight!
So because we can, change of plans, we are sailing to Bequia! Two squalls today, 50 litres of water collected and a shower had by all.
Bequia - arrival time 14h00. What a beautiful island! Population is only 5000. The main street along the mariner is lined with the most ornate buildings painted bright colours.
The snorkelling was magic, visibility at least 20m. Time for an ice cold beer at Maria's, free wifi so managed to update everyone on our location.
Dinner: left overs
Dessert: RUM and 7Up Cherry
Fishing of the back of the boat was cool! Joshua caught 4 fish. What a champ!
Thursday - 12 September
Up early, boat chores done! And the starboard side engine isn't starting. After some attention, TLC and repairs, engine starts, anchor up and we are off.
Destination: St Vincent, 15kms, 1.5 hours of sailing.
St Vincent! Of course, another beautiful island. There aren't many places to anchor so we will anchor at the mariner. Yeh man! That means we get to shower and find a local pub.
The heavens open, another 50 liters of water caught! The skies are looking suspect with funnels and storms on the horizon. A real eerie feeling as it is hurricane season. The sunset is amazing. I have never seen anything like it!
Friday- 13 September
Up early, scrambled eggs for breakfast, anchor up and today we are exploring the bays of Bequia. Turtle Sanctuary, Industry Bay, Spring Bay, Marley Bay, Hope Bay, Ravine Bay and Friendship Bay.
Next stop, Petit Nevis. The snorkelling took my breath away! Box fish, Pipe fish, Dori Fish, eels, the list is endless!
Anchor up, and we are off to a small island called Counaun. The depth averages 600 to 900m. The water is a little choppy with squalls on each side of us.
There they were! Dolphins swimming right past the front of MoonJoos! Wow!
One more hour and then we anchor in Counaun. I can hardly wait to see what this little island is all about.
We arrived in the bay in the dark, 20h30. A local dingies over to us and offers us a mooring, cost 50EC, Captain responds 40EC, repy "OK" and we are off to the mainland. We buy what we need and back to our dingy. Joshua in, I'm in, Brett's in and the next minute, shopping bag lands in the ding and SPLOOOSH Barry is in the water! Along with Brett's waterproof bag which wasn't closed! Missing, wallet, smokes, camera and 2lt coke. Lol!
After some late night search and recovery all the missing items were found and Brett's camera is in a packet of rice. Time for a rum and coke.
What a day!
Saturday - 14 September
What a night! I didn't sleep a wink. One squall after the next, MoonJoos rocking and rolling! It felt a little crazy, lightening and thunder. We have woken up to an overcast and cool day.
Next moment, the same dingy from last nigh with another local. Name 'Iceman'. Demanding 50EC for the mooring. A brief argument between Iceman and the Captain, mention police and off to the mainland Brett goes. Returning 3 hours later, saying all was resolved over a strong rum. He he he.
Anchor up, destination is Mayreau. Two hours of sailing and we arrive in the most beautiful bay called Salt Whistle Bay now this is a really beautiful little island. White beach, clear water and a couple of beach stalls with a beach bar called 'The last bar before the jungle'. Along side locals fixing their boats.
After boach chores were done we chilled all day, snorkelled, sat under the trees, chatted with the locals. Back on the boat for lunch and then a snooze on deck.
A friendly invite from the family sailing on the Sharon Lea to pop over for a Cane and cola. Trevor is South African, Britt is from the USA and their children Dexter (3y) and Drey (9m). We had such a cool time with this sailing family. We will see them in Grenada in a couple of days time.
Time for bed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring :-)
Monday - 16 September
Up early, boat chores done, time to sail... Whooooohoooo! A brief visit to Saline Bay and off to Tobago Cays, Union Island and then Carriacou.
Tobago Cays is amazing! The water was choppy and the current strong. Sting rays everywhere, giant ones, large ones, babies. What a sight! The current grew stronger and we upped anchor and set sail for Union Island. Here we checked out of French waters. No time to waste, we have to check in at Carriacou by 16h00.
Arrive a 15h25, dingy lowered, Captain dressed and off to Immigration with our passports. 16h25, Captain back on MoonJoos, anchor up and off to Tyrell Bay for the night.
It's all like the Amazing Race! Time is of the essence. We all have our responsibilities and we rock as crew :-)
A game of scrabble, good conversation, a rum and lights out!
Tuesday - 17 September to Tuesday 24th September was well.. Let's just say, what happens in Grenada stays in Grenada.
We ended up having a blast! What should have been a 4 day adventure turned into a 14 day adventure. What a superb experience, Jam packed with exotic islands, laughter, delicious food, new friendships, learning's and hard work!
A big shout out to Captain Brett and the magical MoonJoos!