So we are 'home', back in sunny South Africa and it's probably the best decision we made, leaving all the stink of those nasty, underhanded beings behind. I do miss the friends we made there. Saying goodbye wasn't easy but I do know I will see Uganda and its good people again.
We landed in SA on the 1 December and both started working on the 2 December! Talk about hitting the ground running! Brilliant! We haven't stopped since landing. It's been good having an income, spending loads of time with our children, all together in the same place at the same time. We have spent time with my Mamma and loads of time with my BFF :-).
In between all the visiting and eating, we have been house-sitting three different houses, with our last job ending on Sunday. It's been grand. Luxury at it's best for me, tiled floors, clean toilets, showers, baths and electricity! No washing by hand, that was a super bonus!!! How I love a washing machine. It amazes me daily how Baz, Joshua and I lived the way that we have with very little for a very long time. We appreciate those little things, like a toilet, a bath, a washing machine, full cream milk, gouda cheese... the list is endless!
What's happening in 2015? heaps is happening! I have started working for Scarecrow Artist Management, launching next week. I'm also working my way into the water business, will share more as soon as I know more. Christine and I are working on a 'house, pet and garden sitting' business, also to launch in the next few days. Baz starts his new job next week, with a good company, it comes with all the perks and benefits that a job should come with, after a quick trip to Moz for the company he currently works for. Kaelah starts Grade 6 this year and turns 12 in February. Joshua will continue his education at a Montessori school in Jozi, and he turns 6 in March.
Phew, so much happening and I am loving it! New opportunities present themselves to us daily. We are surrounded by good and honest people. I am drenched in love, laughter and peace. I couldn't ask for more.
I don't make new years resolutions, whats the point of setting a new goal only because it's the start of a new year. I set goals throughout the year, it doesn't take me a whole year to possibly achieve something. I did however say that I will be spending more time with and around music, which has already started :-). I am colouring my dreadlocks and i'm spending more time on 'me'. Painting my nails, wearing my cute clothes, buying more hats and spending as much time as I possibly can with my soul mates. All those things that make my soul smile, that's what I'm doing!
Time for tea.
I wish each and every one of you a happy 2015. May this year be good to you.
Love and light always!