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Saturday 22 June 2013

Life on the Ocean - Part 1

Life here on the ocean is completely relaxed, so relaxed that today I felt a little guilty about being this relaxed. I was soon reassured that its the right way to live life and to just keep on enjoying this feeling of relaxation!

Let me see if I can describe 'relaxed' to you. In my own words.
Relaxed: To think about nothing, to worry about nothing, to want or need nothing, to sit and do nothing while you stare into the vast nothingness across the horizon.

  1. The state of being free from tension and anxiety.
  2. Recreation or rest, esp. after a period of work.
rest - recreation - repose

This is the first time in my entire life that I have felt complete and utter relaxation! I feel healthier, happier and younger every day. I do think that the constant close proximity to sea water is also a secret to longevity.
A morning at the beach means a free full body exfoliation, swim in the sea, a glorious sun tan and endless chats with those in close proximity. All of this costs me nothing!

The local sailing community is so relaxed, they shower in the nude on the back of their yachts, they tan in the nude and a couple swim in the nude every single day! Too cool I tell you. I too would swim in the nude of the water wasn't crystal clear..lol

There are some very basic rules to being on a boat/yacht simply because you live life in close proximity to people so being courteous is just the right way to live.

1.  No peeking into the hatches.  Or you may be surprised by what you see.  Each cabin has a hatch and because the cabins are small, when you peek through a hatch, especially the loo and shower area, you are guaranteed to be peeking at someone in their private space.  (Advice for all children who like to take a peek...lol)

2.  Tip Toe at all times.  You have to put some thought into your weight and way of walking.  Each foot step rattles through the boat so watch how you step, walk and climb when moving around the boat.

3.  SAVE WATER!  The days of long, hot, glorious showers end the minute you go onboard.  Water is scarce all over the world, but especially when on a boat.  Catch the rain water, so you have water to rinse dishes and clothes, for washing and drinking.  Wash your clothes and dishes in sea water first and rinse in a minimal amount of fresh water.

4.  Keep it clean and tidy at all times.  Because of the close living style, any untidy area makes the entire boat untidy.  Clean up after yourself and tidy what you use away.

5.  No mobile phones on the deck!  It goes without saying!  if it slips out of your hand it will end up in the sea and you will never ever find it!

6.  Cook meals and eat early.  Because you are on a boat, your exercise is minimal after meals unless you dive into the sea for a swim.  Eat earlier so your food has time to settle before bed time.

7.  Plan according to the weather.  Choose the right days for washing clothes, visiting the main land.  Saying this though, the weather changes with the wind so planning isn't always a winner.

The sailing community is very friendly and everyone is keen to assist and advise.  The local net (radio) is on from 07h30 to 08h00 daily excepting Sunday's.  Here you will find out about upcoming tropical storms, social outings, items for sale, free or swap, which boats are new and which are leaving.  The local restaurants also advertise special meals and celebrations.  If you listen to the Net daily you will have all the info you need.

There is so much to share so we will keep you updated on all of our experiences.  For now, it's time to fold washing and have a bite of lunch.

Until next time.

Blu, Baz and Joshua

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