One of my hero's, other than my 4 year old son, is an adventurer by the name of Mike Horn. Once part of the Sector No Limits team. He has circumnavigated the earth on latitude zero using no mechanical transport only the wind and his own steam. Mike Horn was one of the first to travel from the source of the mouth of the Amazon river using again his own steam and a hydro speed, taking just 5 months.
I see on our television channels that there is a guy taking over a year to walk the same journey. Each having their own merits and hardships. I guess. Mike Horn is a remarkable man and has a list of journeys and adventures longer than my own person.
Mike Horn was a soldier in the South African armed forces before starting and adventure company in Switzerland and is very much at peace within himself as most of his adventures were solo. For a time I followed him closely and tried my own way to solo travel through Southern Africa and Mauritius. One of his quotes, which has been one of the mantra's through the later part of my life is
"impossibilities exist because we make them impossible."
So the answer to the question.. is it possible? SURE! all things are possible if you wish them to be possible.
For the last 3 years, Toni and myself have been working for ourselves in an industry focused on children. What we have found first-hand is, what you put in you will get out. If you wake in the morning feeling demotivated and lazy then the day ahead would be demotivating and nothing would happen. If you wake in the morning motivated and excited it is amazing how much you can generate. Invoices go out, money comes in and work 'appears' out of nowhere.
What we also found, especially since planning the adventure, nothing is as it seems! Patience, perseverance and a bit of detective instinct allows you to plan the road less travelled.
So again... Is it possible?
We have just 2 weeks left, tickets booked, papers received and now we wait for the next leg.
So far it has been possible. Our decision to start this process happened in the middle of March 2013 and here we are 2 months later waiting for 'd-day'.
In honesty though, the process started in 2010. We already uprooted our lives when we invested in a lodge in the KwaZulu Natal Drakensberg. When we realised our plan was an epic fail we started from scratch and thanks to family and friends we were able to start again. This time we had the opportunity to change how we lived and our priorities. This enabled us to in essence, pack up and leave at the drop of a hat.
For the unbeliever, our lifestyle, our goals and who we are has allowed us to take this voyage.
Time... the only thing in life you can't rewind, you can't get back and eventually you run out of. Something I've always known and again one of my mantra's,
"time waits for no man". A famous quote we all know,
"Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today." We intend to instill this in our son, Joshua. The world is your oyster, you just got to go out and do it!
Looking at our parent's generation, life was pretty much laid out for them, finish school, study or go to the army, get married, buy a car and a house, have children, work in the same job for 20 years and then retire. In our world, time has changed, there is no guarantee, your retirement has no value, working for 20 years for a boss has no guarantee and for as hard as you work to create a life beyond, for you and for your children, you sacrifice more than you benefit. Your job becomes your life, you spend less time with your children, your spouse and yourself. Your goals change and you end up chasing money to maintain your life. You live to work instead of working to live!
Do we really benefit from the time we put into chasing money for the sacrifice of time spent with those that fulfil us?
Nature in its infinite wisdom is simple and all things are equal. Nature works in equilibrium, the yin and yang of life. What you put in you get out.
Unfortunately in our society it is not so. We sell our souls to the corporate idea of what is 'acceptable'. The greatest con of all time!
It doesn't allow for the adventure of life, it doesn't allow for the uncertainty.
Our lives are driven by the unknown, the uncertainty and by our own determination and drive to be the makers of our own destiny, to break the confines and bonds of corporate life.
Stand up and be counted, the time is now... no hesitation!
Eyes up!
Mike Horn - Adventurer and our hero |