A very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to every Mom across the world! May your day be filled to the brim with love and happiness. Know that each of you do an amazing job of raising and loving your children, every minute of every day! Hold them in your heart and never let them go because you never know when you may be separated from them for any particular reason.
It's been a chilly weekend in Howick, we took a drive along the Midlands Meander yesterday, it was raining and misty, the low heavy clouds covered the mountain tops. The farm lands and country side is green and wet! Everyone stayed indoors...except us of course, that's the best time to take a drive..when the locals are hiding out at home.
Nottingham Road was dead quiet, we stopped off at Maggies to grab a cup of hot coffee and then continued our drive. What a beautiful place. If you have never spent time in the Midlands then you really should make a plan to get here. It will take your breath away!
Our plans are coming along nicely. We have only 20 days left in South Africa and then we are leaving on a jet plane :-) this is a very exciting time for me personally, simply because I have never flown overseas before. I can't wait to get this journey started! New languages, lifestyle, people, children, food, stars in the night sky, time zone... the list is endless and it is going to be awesome!
Our total budget for this time away in the Caribbean is only a mere R65 000. Which is not very much, considering our return flights to Venezuela cost R39 450. We still have to get from Venezuela to Grenada which will cost us another R5 500 and then we need to pay for our space on the yacht for the next 10 months. hmmmm... need I say more! lol!
We have a Travel Fund and are working hard to raise additional funds to 'buy' us more time in the Caribbean. If you would like to make a small contribution to our journey, it will be greatly appreciated. Below are our banking details, including the swift number for international deposits.
Bank: Capitec
Account Holder: BG Sanders
Account Number: 1324414020
Branch Code: 470010
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ
R100 or 10 US Dollars will buy us one more day in the Caribbean! Remember to use your name as a reference so that we can thank you personally ;-)
Have a wonderful day, wherever you are in this crazy world.
Toni, Barry and Joshua
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