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Tuesday 9 April 2013

Telling our story - local radio station - 94.7

We had a good chuckle when listening to the Darren, Sam and the team, the topic was 'Crocs'.  With our upcoming travels and everyday shoes in mind, here's what we sent to the Breakfast Express team :-)
Hi Darren & Team
Crocs are the coolest shoes on the planet and during our travels we plan to prove this.  It is our goal to travel the world only wearing Crocs.

It started with an idea and a years plan.  A week later it became a 7 week plan and a reality.  Easy! Fly to the Caribbean, get a spot on a yacht and cruise the seas of paradise.

Sounds simple? Problems? we have a life, a small business, a car, a home, school fees...all those normal everyday entrapments of a big city life. No worries! we have space on a yacht, let's sell it all! Buy our plane tickets and begin our journey.

That was 3 weeks ago and WOW what a ride.  An emotional rollercoaster of highs & lows. Now each of our lives fits into a backpack and a wooden trunk which is to be hidden until our return.

And what has this to do with Crocs?  Well! We all know ladies affiliation towards shoes and as parents we know our child's cupboard is full of shoes, some worn, some thrown around and some never touched. 

If you have never travelled, how do you pack your life into a backpack? and how do you fit your shoes in?

I started wearing Crocs in 2005 working in the Joburg dive industry.  My name is Barry, I'm 37 and an adventure guide by trade.  My lady Toni is 39 and has been in the corporate world for 17 years.  She started wearing Crocs when we met in 2007.  In 2010 she quit the corporate world and started in our children's 'Edutainment' business.  Up until we started selling our life Toni owned 7 pairs of Crocs.  Our boy Joshua who is 4, has only ever lived in Crocs and we have just bought his 3rd pair for our travels.

We are well aware of how the majority think of Crocs and many a conversation has started with strangers over Crocs.  Yes, Crocs look funny! but man, the pro's definitely outweigh the con's.  They are light, mould to your foot, comfortable, good for your posture, good for your soul, easy to clean and they last, value for money.

In 2010 I bought a pair of 'hiking' Crocs and since then have done numerous 3 day and 1 day guided hikes in the Drakensberg, built hiking trails and waded, I don't know how many rivers? and I still wear them virtually every day. It is these Crocs I am taking with on our journey.  Toni has sold her Crocs and only taking a pair of Croc slip slops and a pair of original orange Crocs.  Our boy Joshua has only 1 pair of green Crocs. 

As a family we are a huge promoter and supporter of Crocs and plan to document our travels through the 'Sole of our Crocs'.

As 'non believers' lol..we invite you to follow our blog, Backpacks and Adventures, and follow our travels on a 'Croc-string' budget with backpacks and Crocs.  http://backpacksandadventures.blogspot.com/

Eyes up!

Barry, Toni and Joshua
EcoBlu Edutainment
Toni: 084 998 8868
Barry: 074 413 9994
Email: ecoblu@hotmail.co.za
'Find us on Facebook'

1 comment:

  1. :) lol crocs are not a fashion statement they are a way of life :D
